Legacies of Wills, Bequests and Life Insurance Policies
Those who wish to support us with a gesture of charity can also do so through testamentary dispositions in the following ways:
• Public Testament which is drawn up in the presence of a notary/attorney who collects and writes the will of the testator expressed in the presence of two witnesses;
• Holographic Testament that can be prepared without the presence of a notary/attorney, but with the obligation of being hand-written, dated and signed by the testator.
The signature is to be affixed at the end of the testamentary dispositions and the date must include the day, the month and the year.
With the Will (public or holographic) you can donate anything and of any value, obviously respecting the rights of the subjects to whom the law reserves a legitimate share of inheritance (lawful heir).
If you wish to donate a specific good to the Friary (eg a sum of money, jewellery, real estate, etc.), as a Legacy, the testamentary disposition could be formulated as follows: "I bequeath to Convento Santa Maria delle Grazie of San Giovanni Rotondo of the Province of the Capuchin Friars Minor, of Foggia... (write the amount or specify the good that you want to donate) ".
Instead, if you wish to donate the entire heritage to the Friary, the formula to be used is as follows: "I nominate the Convento Santa Maria delle Grazie of San Giovanni Rotondo of the Province of the Capuchin Friars Minor, of Foggia as the only Heir to all my movable and immovable goods ... (list the monies and assets) ".
The Testamentary provisions can be altered or replaced any time.
Another way of allocating a part of the patrimony to the Convent is through Life Insurance Policies. You can nominate the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie of San Giovanni Rotondo of the Province of the Capuchin Friars Minor, of Foggia as beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
For more information, call +39.0882.417286, or send a fax to +39.0882.417219, or e-mail to testamenti@conventopadrepio.it or contact your trusted notary who will give you all the necessary explanation.
allegato: libretto