Convento Santuario di San Pio da Pietrelcina, 18 March 2025, s. Cirillo di Gerusalemme

Father Jerzy Kraj

Father Jerzy Kraj was borned in Poland on August 5th, 1960. After the secondary school he entered the Novitiate of the Province "Our Lady of the Angels" of Friars Minor in Poland.
He completed his philosophical and theological studies in the seminary of Krakow (three years) and in the international seminary of the Custody of the Holy Land in Jerusalem. He was ordained a priest on June 29th, 1986 and soon after he was sent to study in the Alphonsian Academy of Rome. He got a degree (June of 1991) and a doctoral degree (January of 1998) in Moral Theology. From 1991 he teaches in Moral Theology courses at the Studium Theologicum Jerosolymitanum of the Custody of the Holy Land.
He held many offices in the Custody. He was Discreet of Holy Land for three years (2004-2007), guardian of the Flagellation monastery (1998-2004) and of St Saviour (2004-2007) in Jerusalem. From August 2007 he is the guardian of the Franciscan community of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

...Se soffri con rassegnazione al suo volere tu non l'offendi ma l'ami. E il tuo cuore avrà grande conforto se pensi che nell'ora del dolore Gesù stesso soffrì in te e per te. Egli non ti ha abbandonato quando fuggivi da lui: perché dovrebbe abbandonarti ora che nel martirio dell'anima tua gli dai prove d'amore? ( GF, 174 ).


Pilgrimages Office

Pilgrimages Office is situated on the square of the church “St…