Convento Santuario di San Pio da Pietrelcina, 12 October 2024, s. Augusto

Lent 2011

Reborn from WATER and the HOLY SPIRIT“For to me life is Christ” (Ph 1,21)

With the Ash Wednesday begins the Time of Lent, a time of conversion and grace for all men with good will.

This year's Lent  will give us, as Shrine of St Pio of Pietrelcina,  an impulse to rediscover the gift of the Baptism. As we were reborn from water and the Holy Spirit we have to live in the newness of  life. "Remember that by baptism you cast off the old nature and put on the new" said Padre Pio to his spiritual daughter Raffaelina Cerase in a letter of November 16th 1914 (Letters II, P. 240). Today we have to feel these words as addressed to us.

Dear devotees of St Pio, let us use this time to open our hearts to the Word. The Holy Spirit works in our lives according to remove our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh quivering with joy and love.

If you are planning to come to St Pio's places, don't forget to prepare your time and stay here: there's a spiritual itinerary also for you. It will help you to live the experience of your pilgrimage as a real chance of your inner renewal.

Have a nice journey of faith towards Easter!

As attachment the program of the event

allegato: Lent 2001

Non ti affaticare intorno a cose che generano sollecitudine, perturbazioni ed affanni. Una sola cosa è necessaria: sollevare lo spirito ed amare Dio(CE, 10)


Pilgrimages Office

Pilgrimages Office is situated on the square of the church “St…