In San Giovanni Rotondo the integral reading of the Holy Bible for about 130 hours, without a break and without comments: from the Ascension (16 May, 09.15 p.m.) until the Eve of Pentecost (22 May, 11.00 a.m.) The reading of the Bible, with all passages of the Old and new Testament, will be as clear as possible, in order to simplify the listening of the assembly. During the event also a lot of musical spaces various for reflections and the meditations. The event could be watched in three continents through TeleRadioPadrePio (the transmission channels are visible on the web site www.teleradiopadrepio.it). For any further information visit click on the picture of the holy bible or contact our Ufficio Pellegrinaggi: Tel. +39.0882.417500 Fax. +39.0882417555 e-mail: reception@pilgrimspadrepio.it