Convento Santuario di San Pio da Pietrelcina, 12 October 2024, s. Augusto

From Palm Sunday to Easter Of Resurrection

Easter 2011

Dear friends, with the Palm Sunday we enter with Jesus into Jerusalem and are invited to welcome, contemplate and celebrate the mystery of the Passion of Christ.

We are in the so called “Holy” Week, “central and decisive in the spiritual course of the whole year” (Paul VI, 6. April 1966)


The Holy Thursday, with the in coena domin Mass, is not only the “day” of Eucharist, of Priesthood and Charity, but it is also a prelude to the sacred triduum of death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ (Friday-Saturday-Sunday). So the whole tension of the Easter triduum will reach its height in the Holy Night, the day after Saturday, when the light of the Easter candle, symbol of the resurrected Lord, will lit up the darkness of the world and in the whole church the new Easter Hallelujah will resound.


For all of you the best wishes of joy and new life, because the One who has died on the cross, Jesus Christ, has also resurrected and we, that were baptized in Him, were baptized in his death, buried together with Him and with Him resurrected to new life (Rm 6,3). Happy Easter to all, my friends! To all life and joy!


allegato: "download"

Non ti affaticare intorno a cose che generano sollecitudine, perturbazioni ed affanni. Una sola cosa è necessaria: sollevare lo spirito ed amare Dio(CE, 10)


Pilgrimages Office

Pilgrimages Office is situated on the square of the church “St…